Alt Med Services

An Alternative Health Center providing Electro-Derma Screening, Lymphatic Management, Neuromuscular Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Red Light Therapy, & Cygnus Aqua Cleanse.

Our Mission

Alt Med Services is an Alternative Health Center where the prevention of disease and the attainment of optimal health is our primary mission.

Our practitioners uses EDS advanced fluid management lymphatic therapy, herbs, nutrition, enzymes, gentle detoxifying to safely bring the body back into balance.

Electral Dermal Screening (EDS) is a computer-based system used to examine the body’s energy levels as they relate to organs, organ systems, and glands.

The results will allow us to determine what your body needs to heal itself and/or what other modalities will give you optimum results.

To prevent illness we assess risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and make appropriate recommendations. Risk factors may include, but are not limited to; your activity level, good/bad stress factors, eating patterns, environmental exposures, work conditions, past health issues, drug therapies and immunizations, and your unique way of “dealing” with life challenges.

If “dis-ease” has already occurred in your life, we strive to provide answers to “why?” the body is behaving like it is. Why your dis-ease has developed in the first place. After determining the underlying causes for your symptoms we will recommend a program to provide your body with the factors it needs to heal itself.

Our Staff

Cory Carter, N.D. started his practice in 1962 in Fremont, California with his mother. He opened Alt Med Services in 1975 here in South Dakota. Since that time he has been serving clients in the Ministry of Holistic care.

Cory has innovated lymphatic therapy and drainage techniques and is a specialist in lymphatic work, incorporating the Lymphstar Pro® extensively. He presents at various health conferences throughout the year and has created and improved sevearl of the techniques he has learned throughout his career including but not limited to the Carter Technique of Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Mechano and Neuro-Muscular Therapy. Dr. Carter also teaches EDS, lymphatic therapy, and Touch for Heath classes at different locations around the country throughout the year.